Thursday, February 11, 2010


I have  listed the types of bedding. Now here is a list of cages. Your most common cage is the ones 
you get from the pet stores. They are just not big enough. Even for one guinea pig. By the time you add the food bowl, a house and some items for them to chew on. There is no room for  your guinea pig. One guinea pig need at lest  7.5 sq ft. The bigger the better!

  • Aquariums- The worst one to house a guinea pig. There is no ventilation, so it will became very warm. I don't know what else to say about aquariums, but do not house your guinea pig in one of these.

  • Hutch's- If you are considering this, make sure that the spot you have chosen is sheltered from wind and rain. It should not be in direct sunlight. Should has a sloped roof so that rain can not gather on top. Also consider height, this is better for ventilation and an easier height to clean. The wire may not be strong enough to keep out wild animals so putting another sheet on.

Cons of a wooden hutch are:

  • wood will rot

Guinea pigs love to chew and if it isn’t protected with wire they can literally chew it wood tends to soak up more urine and requires more cleaning

    • Pros and Cons of a metal hutch.

    They absorb heat in the summer they can be  cold in the winter They are easier to clean and tend to last a long time if good construction is used

    • C and C Cages- Made out of Cubes and  Coroplast. The the cubes are usually 14-inch, coated-wire grids. They are designed for storage for kids, home, and office use. Coroplast is like cardboard only made out of plastic.

      1. You build your self
      2. Easy to clean
      3. Very durable
      4. Good air circulation
      5. Easy to design
      6. Easy to decorate
      7. Easy to customize
      1. Can be hard to find in areas.

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